Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November Gratitude Journal: Day 21

 I am thankful for (In no Particular order):

  1.  My husband and all the hard work he puts into law school to make a better life for us.
  2. William and the lessons he has taught me. (Patience,Love,Unselfishness)
  3. A wonderful apartment and all the space we have!
  4. The sunshine and how it warms my face
  5. Rain for the relaxing sound that puts me to sleep as well as the wonderful smell!
  6. Music and  how I can feel the spirit when I listen to it as well as feeling  the emotions it conveys to me
  7. My Life and how the lord is allowing me to take breath every day to learn,feel,see,taste, and hear the wonderful things he created
  8. My family and their support
  9. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and their plan for me as well as the sacrifice they both suffered so that I can live with them again.
  10. The Temple and the spirit I feel there
  11. My covenants
  12. My talents, even the ones I don't think I'm very good at!
  13. Kisses, hugs, and snuggle time
  14. Books and the knowledge I can obtain from them-or just relaxing with a good book is great too! 
{Hannah Melling}

I am grateful for:
warm weather
nights off
days off
weekends off
time with family
kindness and friendly faces
my husband who does way too much for me
a warm house
my health
a stable job

{Erin Sheffield}

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