Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November Gratitude Journal: Day 13

I'm thankful for my family. For my parents, who have sacrificed so much for me and who are so generous with their love and time. For my sisters, who are some of my best friends. For my husband, who is the one person that I can go to for anything and who makes me want to be the best person that I can be. For my baby boy, cause he's so dang cute and gives me so much purpose in life. And for my husband's family, who have all been so accepting of me since day one. And for all of my extended family. My family means everything to me.

I'm thankful for my faith. Especially for the knowledge I have of Christ's atonement. I'm so grateful to our Saviour for paying the price for our sins, so that we can be forgiven. I'm grateful for the power of prayer and for the power of the priesthood, for the power of fasting. I'm grateful for the plan of salvation, that I can be with my family forever. 

I'm grateful for all the simple comforts we enjoy: running water, food, air conditioning and heat, electricity. We are such a blessed people!

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